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Mads Damlund: ''Om levende blev hvert træ i skov – et portræt af Jægersborg Kirkes orgel.'' Prolog und Vorwort:
<p>''If all the trees in the wood could sing,<br>each leaf as a tongue resounding,<br>they could not outdo the Lord our King<br>his mercy all speech confounding.''</p>
N.F.S. Grundtvig: from 3rd verse of the hymn
Not many organs have a motto. But the organ of Jægersborg Church has. The organ front is teeming with troll-like creatures, leaves and birds, and on the pipes weird, singing goldfaces have been painted. As if Nature had come alive to burst into a hymn to God.
Inside it the organ hides a secret. &bdquo;These years are hard on Denmark&ldquo;, the inscriptionreads. For the country was occupied when the organ was being built, and in the organ workshop in Aabenraa the organbuilders could hear English bombers on their way to Flensburg with their ominous cargo.
But above the entrance of the organbuilding, great letters read SOLI DEO GLORIA. Glory to God Alone. And so even the best cannot be good enough.
One bright summer day I paid my first visit to Jægersborg Church and entered agloomy, dark organ loft. Working here must be dreadful, I thought, but changed my mind when I began playing the organ. It possessed a strong personality, magically attracting the player, at the same time being somehow enigmatic.
Now, after more than 13 years as an organist of the church, and in connection with the 75 years' jubilee of the organ, the idea came to me to write a book, telling and documenting the story of this organ.
This story has three leading characters, visionary and strong-willed men - the organbuilders Poul-Gerhard Andersen and and Sybrand Zachariassen, and Finn Viderø, the organist. Together they created the Jægersborg organ in years of great transformations within art, architecture, churchmusic, building and organplaying.
The story begins with the evolution after the First World War, leading to the OrganReform Movement. Next comes the story of building the Jægersborg organ, unfolded in private letters of the organbuilders from 1942-441942–44.
Two chapters at first deal with organs of great importance of shaping the Jægersborg organ, followed by a guided tour through all of the technical details of the organ.
We follow the further development of the three key figures, other persons around the organ, and what later happened to the instrument.
Three guest-writers also have their own chapters. Svend Prip, former cathedral organist in Haderslev, writes about the influence of the Jægersborg organ on later organs, and Frans Brouwer, Dutch organ scholar, writes about the Jægersborg organ and the influence of Danish Organ Reform Movement abroad. Hanne Sander, the former vicar of Jægersborg, relates how theology and music in Jægersborg Church go together.
|LITERATUR =Mads Damlund: ''Om levende blev hvert træ i skov – et portræt af Jægersborg Kirkes orgel.'' Beiträge von Mads Damlund, Frans Brouwer, Svend Prip und Hanne Sander. [http://www.slotsforlaget.dk/omtalejaegersborgorglet.htm Slotsforlaget], Store Heddinge 2019, ISBN 978-87-970044-1-8, [https://photos.app.goo.gl/V8Ck2sajiwRWZatz6 Inhaltsverzeichnis], 207 Seiten, erhältlich auch über die Kirchengemeinde

