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Atlantic City, Boardwalk Hall (Main Auditorium)

Ansicht des Innenraums der Boardwalk Hall. Die beiden Stage Chambers sind klar erkennbar
Blick auf den Spieltisch
Boardwalk Hall von außen
Alternativer Name: Boardwalk Hall Auditorium Organ, Midmer-Losh (Organ), The Sonic Mt. Rushmore
Orgelbauer: Midmer-Losh, opus 5500
Baujahr: 1929-1932
Geschichte der Orgel: Die Orgel wurde zwischen 1929 und 1932 von der US-amerikanischen Orgelbaufirma Midmer-Losh Organ Company nach einem Entwurf des State Senators Emerson Lewis Richards gebaut. Midmer-Losh baute dabei die meisten der ca. 33.000 Pfeifen (die genaue Anzahl scheint unklar zu sein), Welte-Mignon aus Deutschland und Anton Gottfried lieferten weitere Pfeifen. Die Orgel gilt mit ihrer großen Anzahl an Pfeifen als die größte Orgel der Welt (und auch als das größte Musikinstrument). Bei einem Hurrican 1944 wurde die Orgel stark beschädigt und konnte seitdem nicht mehr vollständig erklingen. 1998 wurden 1,7 Mio USD bereitgestellt zur Restauration der Orgel. Dabei wurden etliche Register, wie auch das 64'-Register der Orgel wieder funktionsfähig gemacht. Bei Umbauarbeiten 2001 wurde die Orgel durch unachtsame Arbeiter teilweise sehr stark beschädigt. So wurden unter anderem auch Windkanäle durchtrennt, wodurch etliche Register funktionsunfähig wurden. Seit 2013 arbeitet man an einer vollständigen Restaurierung der Orgel. In den letzten Jahren wurden unter anderem das Teilwerk Choir komplett restauriert. Zurzeit (2024) sind laut dem Restaurationskommitee HORC ca. 67% der großen Orgel spielbar, darunter alle Teilwerke in den Left & Right Stage Chambers, sowie seit neustem auch die Werke der Left Forward-Kammer.

Für den Bau der Orgel wurde vor Ort hinter der Right Stage Chamber eigens eine Orgelbau-Werkstatt eingerichtet, welche auch heute für die Restaurationsmaßnahmen verwendet wird.

Das 7. Manual verfügt über keine eigenen Register, sondern ist vielmehr dazu gedacht, die floating Gallery Divisions anzukoppeln.

Umbauten: teilweise Restauration 1998, Restauration seit 2013
Gehäuse: ohne Gehäuse, in Kammern hinter Gittern an mehreren Stellen in der Gebäudewand: links und rechts neben der Bühne (Left/Right Stage), an den Seiten vorne (Left/Right Forward) sowie mittig an den Seitenwänden (Left/Right Center) und darüber in der Decke (Left/Right Upper)
Windladen: Einzeltonladen
Spieltraktur: elektropneumatisch
Registertraktur: elektropneumatisch
Registeranzahl: inkl. Extensionen und Transmissionen: 852, zzgl. 35 gestimmte und 46 ungestimmte Perkussionen; 320 Voices, 449 Pfeifenreihen[1]
Manuale: Hauptspieltisch: 7; I, II: C1-c5, III: G1-g4, IV, V, VI, VII: C-c4
Pedal: C-g1
Spielhilfen, Koppeln: Koppeln:


I-Ped, II-Ped, III-Ped, IV-Ped, V-Ped, VI-Ped, Gallery I-Ped, Gallery II-Ped, Gallery III-Ped, Gallery IV-Ped, Brass Chorus-Ped, String I-Ped, String II-Ped, String III-Ped

Für Pedal Second Touch: V-Ped, Gallery I-Ped, Gallery III-Ped, Brass Chorus-Ped, String I-Ped, String II-Ped

II-I, III-I, IV-I, V-I, VI-I, Gallery 1-I, Gallery II-I, Gallery III-I, Gallery IV-I, Brass Chorus-I, String I-I, String II-I, String III-I

Für I Choir Second Touch: String I-I, String II-I, String III-I, V-I

I-II, III-II, IV-II, V-II, VI-II, Brass Chorus-II, String I-II, String II-II, String III-II, Gallery I-II, Gallery II-II, Gallery III-II, Gallery IV-II

Für II Great Second Touch: IV-II, V-II, String I-II, String II-II, Gallery I-II, Brass Chorus-II

I-III, IV-III, V-III, VI-III, Brass Chorus-III, Gallery I-III, Gallery II-III, Gallery III-III, Gallery IV-III, String I-III, String II-III, String III-III

I-IV, II-IV, V-IV, VI-IV, String I-IV, String II-IV, String III-IV, Gallery I-I, Gallery II-IV, Gallery III-IV, Gallery IV-IV

I-V, III-V, IV-V, VI-V, Gallery I-V, Gallery II-V, Gallery III-V, Gallery IV-V, String I-V, String II-V, String III-V

I-VI, II-VI, IV-VI, V-VI, String I-VI, String II-VI, String III-VI, Gallery I-VI, Gallery II-VI, Gallery III-VI, Gallery IV-VI

Gallery I-VII, Gallery II-VII, Gallery III-VII, Gallery IV-VII

Super- und Suboktavkoppeln:

I-Ped 4', II-Ped 4', III-Ped 4', IV-Ped 4', V-Ped 4'

I Octave, I Suboctave, III-I 4', IV-I 4'

I-II 16', I-II 4', III-II 16', III-II 4', IV-II 4', V-II 4', VI-II 16', VI-II 4'

Für II Great Second Touch: IV-II 4'

III 16', III 4', I-III 16', I-III 4', IV-III 16', IV-III 4', V-III 4', VI-III 16', VI-III 4'

IV 16', IV 4', V-IV 4'

I-V 16', I-V 4', III-V 16', III-V 4'

VI 16', VI 4'

Gallery II 16', Gallery II 4'

Gallery IV 16', Gallery IV 4'

String I 16', String I 4'

String II 16', String II 4'

String III 16', String III 4'


Grand-Choir: Diaphone Melody 16', Bombard Melody 4'

Fanfare: Tuba Melody 4'

Gallery I: Trumpet Melody 16', Clarion Melody 4'[2]

Gallery II: Jubal Melody 4',

String I Melody 16', String I Melody 4'

String II Melody 16', String II Melody 4'


Trem Master[3]

String III

Fanfare Pileta


Gallery IV

SW-CH Vox Humana



String I

Choir Philomela


Open Choir[4]

Great Tibia

Solo 20"

Gt-Solo Organ Tone

Gt-Solo Wood Wind[5]

String II


einstellbare Geschwindigkeit für Tremulanten

Koppeln für Schwellpedale:

für alle 6 Schwellpedale[6] stehen folgende Koppeln zur Verfügung:

Solo, Great-Solo Organ, Great-Solo Orchestral, Brass Chorus, Swell, Swell-Choir, Choir, Echo, Fanfare, Percussion, Gallery II, Gallery IV, String I, String II, String III

Great-Solo Organ Reverse, Great-Solo Orchestral Reverse, Swell-Choir Reverse, String I Reverse, String II Reverse

Sonstige Spielhilfen:

ursprüngliche Kombinationen[7], moderne Setzeranlage

Pedal Divide

String I Pizzicato, String I Separation[8]

String II Pizzicato, String II Separation

36 General Thumb Pistons

20 Choir Thumb Pistons[9]

15 Thumb Pistons jeweils für Great, Swell, Solo

8 Fanfare Thumb Pistons

10 Echo Thumb Pistons

18 Pedal Thumb Pistons

3 Brass Chorus Thumb Pistons[10]

4 String I Thumb Pistons[10]

6 String II Thumb Pistons[10]

3 String III Thumb Pistons[10]

3 Thumb Pistons jeweils für Gallery I (Manual 2, Manual 7), Gallery 2, Gallery 3 (Manual 2, Manual 7), Gallery IV

4 Coupler Thumb Pistons je bei Manual 1 und 7[11]

Percussion Cancel, Coupler Cancel, Tremolo Cancel, Brass Chorus Cancel, String I Cancel, String II Cancel, String III Cancel, Gallery I Cancel, Gallery II Cancel, Gallery III Cancel, Gallery IV Cancel, Echo Cancel, Fanfare Cancel, Solo Cancel, Swell Cancel, Great Cancel, Choir Cancel, Pedal Cancel, General Cancel[12]

Fußtritte für:

Signal, Pedal 1, Pedal 4, Pedal 7, Pedal 10, Pedal 13, Pedal 15, Console 2 Off, Piano F, Fanfare (to Pedal), Solo (to Pedal), Choir (to Pedal), Swell (to Pedal), Great (to Pedal)[13], Cres MF, Cres F, Cres FF, Cres FFF[14], Setter, Gallery I/Great, Gallery II/Great, Gallery III/Great, Gallery IV/Great, Gallery I/Choir, Gallery II/Choir, Gallery III/Choir, SW to GR, SFZ I, SFZ II[15], Ped. Subs Off, Mixtures Off, 16' Stops Off, 16' Couplers Off, 4' Couplers Off, 100" Reeds Off, 50" Reeds Off[16], 64' Off, 32' Off[17]

Choir II Touch Couplers OFF[18], Great II Touch Couplers OFF[19], Swell II Touch Couplers OFF, Solo II Touch Couplers OFF, Fanfare II Touch Couplers OFF, Echo II Touch Couplers OFF. Manual 16' Stops OFF, Manual 4' Stops OFF, All Mixture Stops OFF, Pedal Subs Stops OFF, Console I OFF, Console II OFF

  1. Die Wanamaker Grand Court Orgel besitzt zwar weniger Pfeifen, aber insgesamt mehr Pfeifenreihen
  2. Melodiekoppel Clarion Mirabilis
  3. alle Tremulanten
  4. Unenclosed Choir
  5. Great-Solo Orchestral
  6. das siebte ist ein Crescendo-Pedal
  7. tlw. funktionsfähig
  8. Unison Off
  9. Nr. 20 ist aktuell als "CANCEL" programmiert
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 10,3 unterhalb der linken Registerstaffel
  11. Nr. 1 bei Manual I ist aktuell als "SET" programmiert
  12. alle Cancels befinden sich unterhalb der rechten Registerstaffel
  13. aktuell programmiert als "PREV"
  14. die Cres-Fußtritte sind außer Funktion
  15. die beiden SFZ-Fußtritte sind aktuell außer Funktion
  16. aktuell programmiert als "NEXT"
  17. alle Absteller bewegen jeweils die Registerwippen
  18. aktuell programmiert als "SEQUENCER ON"
  19. aktuell programmiert als "ALL PISTONS NEXT"

Aufteilung im Raum:

Die Teilwerke der Orgel sind wie folgt verteilt:

  • Left Stage: Pedal Left, Swell, Swell-Choir, Unenclosed Choir, String I
  • Right Stage: Pedal Right, Great, Great-Solo, Solo, Percussion
  • Left Forward: Choir
  • Right Forward: Brass Chorus, String II
  • Left Center: Gallery III, Gallery IV
  • Right Center: Gallery I, Gallery II
  • Left Ceiling: Fanfare, String III
  • Right Ceiling: Echo

Anmerkung zum Zustand der Orgel:

Bei einem Hurrikan 1944 wurden viele Bereiche der Orgel stark beschädigt, darunter vor allem auch die sich im Keller befindliche Elektronik. Seit diesem Jahr war die Orgel nie wieder voll funktionsfähig. Zwar wurden 1998 Restaurierungsarbeiten durchgeführt; jedoch wurden bei Renovierungsarbeiten an der Halle 2001 der Orgel große Schäden zugefügt. Die seit 2013 andauernde Restauration konnte ein Großteil der Orgel wieder funktionsfähig machen. Nicht funktionsfähig sind zurzeit (2024) folgende Teilwerke:

  • Brass Chorus
  • String II
  • Gallery I
  • Gallery II
  • Gallery III
  • Gallery IV
  • Echo
  • Fanfare
  • String III

und die daraus resultierenden Pedaltransmissionen.

In mehreren Teilwerken der Orgel kam es aufgrund fehlender Unterstützung zum Umknicken etlicher Pfeifen, wobei es zu einer Art Domino-Effekt kam.[1] An manchen Stellen lassen sich aber auch scheinbar mutwillig zerstörte Pfeifen finden, so u. a. in der Right Ceiling Chamber. Zudem wurden bei den Baumaßnahmen 2001 etliche Windversorgungsleitungen in der Orgel durchtrennt.

  1. 3D-Ansicht von String II. Hier sind die Schäden deutlich sichtbar

Disposition der Orgel


I. Manual II. Manual III. Manual IV. Manual V. Manual VI. Manual
Unenclosed Choir

Quintaton 16'

Diapason 8'

Holz Flute 8'

Octave 4'

Fifteenth 2'

Rausch Quint II

Rausch Quint II[1]


Contra Melodia 16'

Contra Dulciana 16'

Diapason 8'

Diapason 8'

Gemshorn 8'

Gemshorn Celeste 8'

Dulciana 8' [2]

Dulciana Celeste 8'

Philomela 8'

Melodia 8' [3]

Concert Flute 8'

Unda Maris 8'

Nachthorn 8'

Viola Pomposa 8'

Viola Celeste 8'

Voix Celeste II 8'

Dulzquint 51/3' [2]

Fugara 4'

Dolce 4'

Spindle Flute 4'

Flute Overte 4'

Melodia Twelfth 22/3' [3]

Dulziard 22/3' [4]

Flageolet 2'

Melodia 2' [3]

Dulcett 2' [4]

Dulce 11/3' [4]

Dulcinett 1' [4]

Acuta VI

Flute Mixture III

Contra Tromba 16'

Tromba Real 8'

Brass Cornet 8'

French Horn 8'

Clarinet 8'

Bassett Horn 8'

Cor Anglais 8'

Kinura 8'

Tromba Clarion 4'

Grand Choir[5]

Grand Choir ON

Diaphone 16' [6]

Diaphone 8' [6]

Diapason 8' [7]

Diaphonic Diapason 8' [8]

Tibia Clausa 8' [9]

Viol Cello 8' [10]

Bombard 16' [11]

Fagotto 16' [12]

Posaune 8' [13]

Bombard 8' [11]

Chalumeau 8' [12]

Octave Oboe 4' [12]


Doppel Gedeckt 16' [15]

Stopped Diapason 16' [16]

Cone Gamba 16' [17]

Doppel Gedeckt 8' [18]

Stopped Flute 8' [19]

Clarabella 8' [20]

Spitz Flute 8' [21]

Gemshorn 8' [22]

Gemshorn Celeste I 8' [23]

Gemshorn Celeste II 8' [24]

Muted Gamba 8' [25]

Third 62/5' [26]

Fifth 51/3' [27]

Cone Gamba Quint 51/3' [25]

Gemshorn Fifth 51/3' [28]

Seventh 44/7' [29]

Doppel Flute 4' [18]

Stopped Flute 4' [19]

Clarabella 4' [30]

Spitz Flute 4' [31]

Zauber Flute 4' [32]

Gemshorn 4' [33]

Cone Flute 4' [25]

Ninth 35/9' [34]

Tenth 31/5' [35]

Gemshorn Tenth 31/5' [36]

Eleventh 210/11' [37]

Flute Twelfth 22/3' [19]

Flute Twelfth 22/3' [30]

Gemshorn Twelfth 22/3' [28]

Twelfth 22/3' [38]

Fourteenth 22/7' [39]

Flute 2' [31]

Magic Flute 2' [40]

Gemshorn 2' [33]

Sixteenth 17/9' [41]

Gemshorn Seventeenth 13/5' [36]

Seventeenth 13/5' [35]

Eighteenth 15/11' [42]

Nineteenth 11/3' [38]

Gemshorn 11/3' [28]

Twenty-First 11/7' [39]

Twenty-Second 1' [40]

Gemshorn Twenty-Second 1' [33]

Twenty-Third 8/9' [41]

Twenty-Fourth 4/5' [35]

Twenty-Fifth 8/11' [42]

Twenty-Sixth 2/3' [38]

Gemshorn Twenty-Ninth 1/2' [33]

Gemshorn Thirty-Sixth 1/4' [33]

Fagotto 32' [43]

Contra Oboe 16' [44]

Bass Clarinet 16' [45]

Bass Vox Humana 16' [46]

Oboe 8' [47]

Clarinet 8' [48]

Vox Humana 8' [49]

Octave Oboe 4' [47]

Octave Clarinet 4' [48]

Octave Vox Humana 4' [49]

Chimes [50]

Marimba Repeat 8' [51]

Marimba Stroke 8' [51]

Marimba Repeat 4' [52]

Marimba Stroke 4' [52]

Glockenspiel Single 4' [53]

Glockenspiel Repeat 4' [54]

Glockenspiel Single 2' [55]

Snare Drum Roll [56]

Snare Drum Tap [56]

Snare Drums Roll [57]

Snare Drums Tap [57]

Wood Block [58]

Castinets [59]

Triangle [60]

Tom Tom [61]

Choir Second Touch

Double Bass 16' [62]

Contra Bass 16' [63]

Contra Viol 16' [64]

Viola 8' [65]

Viol Cello 8' [66]

Viol Cello 8' [67]

Viol Cello 4' [67]

Viol Cello 4' [66]


Sub Principal 32'

Double Diapason I 16'

Double Diapason II 16'

Double Diapason III 16'

Sub Quint 102/3'

Principal 8' [68]

Diapason I 8'

Diapason II 8'

Diapason III 8'

Diapason IV 8'

Diapason V 8'

Diapason VI 8'

Diapason VII 8'

Diapason VIII 8'

Diapason IX 8'

Diapason X 8'

Harmonic Flute 8'

Flute Overte 8'

Quint 51/3'

Octave I 4'

Octave II 4'

Octave III 4'

Octave 4' [69]

Octave IV 4'

Octave V 4'

Harmonic Flute 4'

Gross Tierce 31/5'

Major Twelfth 22/3'

Fifteenth I 2'

Fifteenth II 2'

Fifteenth III 2'

Principal 2' [68]

Rausch Quint II

Rausch Quint II

Grand Cornet XI

Major Sesquialtera V

Furniture VI

Sulze Mixture V

Scharff Mixture III [70]

Doublette Mixture II [71]

Trumpet 16'

Harmonic Trumpet 8'

Clarion 4'

Chimes [50]

Harp 8' [72]

Harp 4' [73]

Xylophone 4' [74]

Xylophone 2' [75]

Snare Drum Roll [56]

Snare Drum Tap [56]

Snare Drums Roll [57]

Snare Drums Tap [57]

Triangle [60]

Tambourine [76]

Castinets [59]

Wood Block Stroke [58]

Wood Block Roll [58]

Tom Tom [61]

Chimes S. T. [50]

Drums Muffeled S. T. [77]

Grand Great[78]

Grand Great ON

Principal 8' [79]

Tibia Clausa 8' [80]

Tibia Major 8' [81]

Viol 8' [82]

Octave 4' [83]

Super Octave 2' [79]

Dulzian 32' [84]

Trombone 16' [85]

Ophicleide 8' [86]

Trumpet 8' [87]

Clarion 4' [87]

Great Second Touch

Viol Phonon 8' [88]

Viol Cello 8' [65]

Viol 8' [67]

Viol 8' [66]


Organ Tone Division

Wald Flute 16'

Tibia Clausa 16'

Contra Geigen 16'

Wald Quint 102/3' [89]

Tibia Quint 102/3' [90]

Diapason Phonon 8'

Horn Diapason 8'

Geigen Principal 8' [91]

Gemshorn 8'

Gemshorn Celeste 8'

Wald Flute 8' [89]

Tibia Clausa 8' [90]

Doppel Gedeckt 8'

Viola d' Gamba 8'

Vox Celeste 8'

Gemshorn Terz 62/5'

Wald Quint 51/3' [89]

Gemshorn Quint 51/3'

Septieme 44/7'

Octave Phonon 4' [92]

Octave 4' [93]

Principal 4' [91]

Gemshorn 4' [94]

Gemshorn Celeste 4' [95]

Wald Flute 4' [89]

Stopped Flute 4' [90]

Doppel Flute 4' [96]

Viola 4' [97]

Viola Celeste 4' [98]

Gemshorn Tenth 31/5' [95]

Tenth 31/5' [99]

Flute Twelfth 22/3' [89]

Minor Twelfth 22/3' [90]

Twelfth 22/3' [100]

Octave Septieme 22/7' [101]

Fifteenth 2' [93]

Geigen 2' [91]

Gemshorn 2' [94]

Piccolo 2' [89]

Gemshorn Seventeenth 13/5' [95]

Seventeenth 13/5' [99]

Nineteenth 11/3' [100]

Twenty-First 11/7' [101]

Twenty-Second 1' [94]

Twenty-Fourth 4/5' [99]

Twenty-Sixth 2/3' [100]

Twenty-Ninth 1/2' [94]

Thirty-Sixth 1/4' [94][102]

Orchestral Division

Oboe Horn 16'

Krummhorn 16'

Saxophone 16'

English Horn 16'

French Horn 16'

Vox Baryton 16'

Oboe 8' [103]

Clarinet 8'

Krummhorn 8' [104]

Orchestral Saxophone 8'

Saxophone 8' [105]

English Horn 8' [106]

Orchestral Horn 8' [107]

Flute Twelfth 22/3'[108]

French Horn 8' [109]

Kinura 8'

Vox Humana 8'

Vox Humana 8' [110]

Octave Horn 4' [103]

Krummhorn 4' [104]

Saxophone 4' [105]

English Horn 4' [106]

French Horn 4' [109]

Vox humana 4' [111]


Double Diapason 16'

Contra Gamba 16'

Diapason 6'

Diapason 8'

Waldhorn 8'

Tibia Plena 8'

Hohl Flute 8'

Gross Gedeckt 8'

Harmonic Flute 8'

Harmonic Flute Celeste 8'

Gamba 8'

Gamba Celeste 8'

Violin 8'

Viol Celeste I 8'

Viol Celeste II 8'

Ocarina 4'

Octave 4'

Octave 4' [112]

Traverse Flute 4'

Silver Flute 4'

Viol Salicet 4' [113]

Viol Gambette 4'

Fifteenth 2'

Orchestral Piccolo 2'

Plein Jeu VII

Cymbal VIII

Fourniture V

Double Trumpet 16'

Double Horn 16'

Harmonic Trumpet 8'

Field Trumpet 8'

Posaune 16'

Cornopean 8'

Muted Trumpet 8'

Flugel Horn 8'

Krummhorn 8'

Vox humana 8'

Trumpet Clarion 4'

Trumpet Clarion 4' [114]

Octave Horn 4' [115]


Gross Gedeckt 16'

Stopped Diapason 16'

Cone Gamba 16'

Gemshorn 8'

Gemshorn Celeste 8'

Gemshorn Celeste 8'

Dopple Gedeckt 8' [116]

Dopple Spitz Flute 8'

Clarabella 8'

Stopped Diapason 8' [117]

Muted Gamba 8' [118]

Terz 62/5'

Major Fifth 51/3'

Gamba Quint 51/3' [118]

Gemshorn Quint 51/3' [119]

Septieme 44/7'

Octave Gemshorn 4' [120]

Spitz Flute 4' [121]

Clarabella 4' [122]

Dopple Flute 4' [116]

Stopped Flute 4' [117]

Zauber Flute 4'

Cone Flute 4' [118]

Ninth 35/9'

Major Tenth 31/5' [123]

Gemshorn Tenth 31/5' [124]

Eleventh 210/11'

Gemshorn Twelfth 22/3' [119]

Twelfth 22/3' [125]

Flute Twelfth 22/3' [122]

Stopped Flute Twelfth 22/3' [117]

Octave Septieme 22/7' [126]

Gemshorn Fifteenth 2' [120]

Gedeckt Fifteenth 2' [116]

Magic Flute 2' [127]

Sixteenth 17/9' [128]

Major Seventeenth 13/5' [123]

Gemshorn Seventeenth 13/5' [124]

Eighteenth 15/11' [129]

Major Nineteenth 11/3' [125]

Gemshorn Nineteenth 11/3' [119]

Twenty-First 11/7' [126]

Twenty-Second 1' [120]

Zauber Flute Twenty-Second 1' [127]

Twenty-Third 8/9' [128]

Twenty-Fourth 4/5' [123]

Twenty-Fifth 8/11' [129]

Twenty-Sixth 2/3' [125]

Twenty-Ninth 1/2' [120]

Thirty-Third 1/3' [125]

Thirty-Sixth 1/4' [120]

Fagotto 32' [43]

Contra Oboe 16'

Bass Clarinet 16'

Bass Vox Humana 16'

Oboe 8' [130]

Clarinet 8'[131]

Vox Humana 8'[132]

Octave Oboe 4'[130]

Octave Clarinet 4'[131]

Octave Vox Humana 4'[132]

Marimba Repeat 8'

Marimba Stroke 8'

Marimba Repeat 4' [133]

Marimba Stroke 4' [133]

Glockenspiel Single 4'

Glockenspiel Repeat 4'

Glockenspiel Single 2' [54]


Major Flute 16'

Quint Flute 102/3' [134]

Stentor Diapason 8'

Diapason 8' [135]

Tibia Rex 8'

Major Flute 8' [134]

Hohl Flute 8'

Flute Overte 8'

Cello Pomposa 8'

Cello Celeste 8'

Violin 8'

Violin Celeste 8'

Quint Flute 51/3' [134]

Stentor Octave 4'

Octave 4' [135]

Wald Flute 4'

Major Flute 4' [134]

Viola Pomposa 4'

French Horn 8'

Harmonic Piccolo 2'

Grand Chorus XI

Carillon IV

Tuba Magna 16' [136]

Trumpet Profunda 16'

Quint Trumpet 102/3' [137]

Tuba Imperial 8' [138]

Tuba Magna 8' [139]

Trumpet Royal 8'

Trumpet Profunda 8' [137]

Bugle 8' [136]

English Post Horn 8'

Magna Fifth 51/3' [139]

Tuba Clarion 4' [139]

Trumpet Clarion 4' [137]


Organ Tone Division

Wald Flute 16' [141]

Tibia Clausa 16' [142]

Contra Geigen 16' [143]

Wald Quint 102/3' [144]

Tibia Quint 102/3' [145]

Diapason Phonon 8' [146]

Horn Diapason 8' [147]

Geigen Principal 8' [148]

Gemshorn 8' [149]

Gemshorn Celeste 8' [150]

Wald Flute 8' [144]

Tibia Clausa 8' [145]

Doppel Gedeckt 8' [151]

Viola d' Gamba 8' [152]

Vox Celeste 8' [153]

Gemshorn Terz 62/5' [154]

Wald Quint 51/3' [144]

Gemshorn Quint 51/3' [155]

Gemshorn Septieme 44/7' [156]

Octave Phonon 4' [157]

Octave 4' [158]

Octave Geigen 4' [148]

Gemshorn 4' [159]

Gemshorn Celeste 4' [160]

Wald Flute 4' [144]

Stopped Flute 4' [145]

Doppel Flute 4' [161]

Viola 4' [162]

Viola Celeste 4' [163]

Gemshorn Tenth 31/5' [160]

Gemshorn Tenth 31/5' [164]

Flute Twelfth 22/3' [144]

Minor Twelfth 22/3' [145]

Gemshorn Twelfth 22/3' [165]

Octave Septieme 22/7' [166]

Fifteenth 2' [158]

Geigen 2' [148]

Gemshorn 2' [159]

Piccolo 2' [144]

Gemshorn Seventeenth 13/5' [160]

Gemshorn Seventeenth 13/5' [164]

Gemshorn Nineteenth 11/3' [165]

Twenty-First 11/7' [166]

Twenty-Second 1' [159]

Twenty-Fourth 4/5' [164]

Twenty-Sixth 2/3' [165]

Twenty-Ninth 1/2' [159]

Thirty-Sixth 1/4' [159]

Orchestral Division

Oboe Horn 16' [167]

Krummhorn 16' [168]

Saxophone 16' [169]

English Horn 16' [170]

French Horn 16' [171]

Vox Baryton 16' [172]

Oboe 8' [173]

Clarinet 8' [174]

Krummhorn 8' [175]

Orchestral Saxophone 8' [176]

Saxophone 8' [177]

English Horn 8' [178]

Orchestral Horn 8' [179]

Flute Twelfth 22/3' [180]

French Horn 8' [181]

Kinura 8' [182]

Vox humana 8' [183]

Vox humana 8' [184]

Octave Horn 4' [173]

Krummhorn 4' [175]

Saxophone 4' [177]

English Horn 4' [178]

French Horn 4' [181]

Vox humana 4' [185]


Harp 8'[73]

Harp 4'[73]

Xylophone 4'[74]

Xylophone 2' [75]


Major Flute 16'

Stentor Diapason 8'[186]

Stentorphone 8'

Stentor Flute 8'

Pileta Magna 8'

Gamba Tuba 8'

Gamba Tuba Celeste 8'

Stentor Octave 4' [186]

Major Flute 4' [187]

Flute Octaviante 4'

Gamba Clarion

Twelfth Recorder 22/3'

Fife 2'

Stentor VII

Cymbal V

Harmonic Mixture VI

Contra Posaune 16' [136]

Contra Bombardon 16'

Contra Trombone 16'

Tromba Quint 102/3'

Harmonic Tuba 8' [136]

Ophicleide 8' [136]

Posaune 8' [188]

Bombard 8' [189]

Tromba 8' [190]

Trombone 8' [191]

Tromba Tierce 62/5'

Tromba Fifth 51/3' [190]

Trombone Fifth 51/3' [191]

Harmonic Clarion 4' [192]

Major Clarion 4' [136]

Octave Posaune 4' [188]

Clarion 4' [189]

Trombone Clarion 4' [191]

Tromba Tenth 31/5' [193]

Tromba Twelfth 22/3' [190]

Clarine Fifteenth 2' [189]


Contra Violone 16'

Contra Gamba 16'

Contra Spire Flute 16'

Diapason 8'

Waldhorn 8'

Clarabella 8'

Spire Flute 8' [194]

Spitz Flute 8'

Spitz Flute Celeste I 8'

Spitz Flute Celeste II 8'

Flute Sylvestre 8'

Flute Celeste 8'

Tibia mollis 8'

Violone 8' [195]

Violone Celeste 8'

Gamba 8' [196]

Open Flute 4' [197]

Rohr Flute 4'

Cone Flute 4' [194]

Viol 4' [195]

Gamba 4' [196]

Spitz Tenth 31/5' [198]

Flute Twelfth 22/3' [197]

Spire Flute Twelfth 22/3' [194]

Flute Fifteenth 2' [197]

Spire Fute Fifteenth 2' [194]

Spitz Seventeenth 13/5' [198]

Spire Flute Nineteenth 11/3' [194]

Spire Flute Twenty-Second 1' [194]

Aetheria VI

Tuba d'Amour 16'

Contra Bassoon 16'

Chalumeau 16'

Vox Humana 16'

Tuba d'Amour 8' [199]

Trumpet Minor 8'

Clarinet 8' [200]

Cor d'Amour 8'

Bassoon 8' [201]

Vox Humana I 8'

Vox Humana II 8' [202]

Octave Clarinet 4' [200]

Tuba d'Amour 4' [199]

Octave Bassoon 4' [201]

Vox Humana 4' [202]


  1. am Spieltisch als "Scharf Mixture" bezeichnet
  2. 2,0 2,1 ext. Contra Dulciana 16'
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 ext. Contra Melodia 16'
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 ext. Dolce 4'
  5. Faktisch handelt es sich bei diesen Register allesamt um Transmissionen/Extensionen aus dem Pedal Left
  6. 6,0 6,1 trans./ext. PEDAL LEFT Contra Diaphone 32'
  7. trans./ext. PEDAL LEFT Contra Diapason 32'
  8. trans./ext. PEDAL LEFT Diaphonic Diapason 16'
  9. trans./ext. PEDAL LEFT Tibia Clausa 16'
  10. trans./ext. PEDAL LEFT Bass Viol 16'
  11. 11,0 11,1 trans./ext. PEDAL LEFT Contra Bombard 32'
  12. 12,0 12,1 12,2 trans./ext. PEDAL LEFT Fagotto 32'
  13. trans./ext. PEDAL LEFT Major Posaune 16'
  14. Faktisch handelt es sich hier um die gesamten Register des Swell-Choir-Werks
  15. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Gross Dopple Gedeckt 16'
  16. trans. SWELL CHOIR Stopped Diapason 16'
  17. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Cone Gamba 16'
  18. 18,0 18,1 ext. SWELL-CHOIR Gross Dopple Gedeckt 16'
  19. 19,0 19,1 19,2 ext. SWELL-CHOIR Stopped Diapason 16'
  20. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Clarabella 8'
  21. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Dopple Spitz Flute 8'
  22. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Gemshorn 8'
  23. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Gemshorn Celeste I 8'
  24. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Gemshorn Celeste II 8'
  25. 25,0 25,1 25,2 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Cone Gamba 16'
  26. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Third 62/5'
  27. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Fifth 51/3'
  28. 28,0 28,1 28,2 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Gemshorn Celeste I 8'
  29. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Seventh 44/7'
  30. 30,0 30,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Clarabella 8'
  31. 31,0 31,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Dopple Spitz Flute 8'
  32. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Zauber Flute 4'
  33. 33,0 33,1 33,2 33,3 33,4 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Gemshorn 8'
  34. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Ninth 35/9'
  35. 35,0 35,1 35,2 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Third 62/5'
  36. 36,0 36,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Gemshorn Celeste II 8'
  37. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Eleventh 210/11'
  38. 38,0 38,1 38,2 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Fifth 51/3'
  39. 39,0 39,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Seventh 44/7'
  40. 40,0 40,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Zauber Flute 4'
  41. 41,0 41,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Ninth 35/9'
  42. 42,0 42,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Eleventh 210/11'
  43. 43,0 43,1 trans. PEDAL LEFT Contra Fagotto 32'
  44. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Contra Oboe 16'
  45. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Bass Clarinet 16'
  46. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Vox Humana 16'
  47. 47,0 47,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Contra Oboe 16'
  48. 48,0 48,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Bass Clarinet 16'
  49. 49,0 49,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Vox Humana 16'
  50. 50,0 50,1 50,2 50,3 trans. GREAT-SOLO Chimes
  51. 51,0 51,1 trans. SWELL-CHOIR Marimba 8'
  52. 52,0 52,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Marimba 8'
  53. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Glockenspiel 4'
  54. 54,0 54,1 ext. Glockenspiel 4'
  55. trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Glockenspiel 4'
  56. 56,0 56,1 56,2 56,3 trans. PERCUSSION Snare Drum E
  57. 57,0 57,1 57,2 57,3 trans. PERCUSSION Snare Drum F + Snare Drum G
  58. 58,0 58,1 58,2 trans. PERCUSSION Wood Block O
  59. 59,0 59,1 trans. PERCUSSION Castanets M
  60. 60,0 60,1 trans. PERCUSSION Triangle N
  61. 61,0 61,1 trans. PERCUSSION Tom Tom P
  62. trans. STRING II Double Bass 16'
  63. trans. STRING II Contra Bass 16'
  64. trans. STRING II Contra Viol 16'
  65. 65,0 65,1 trans./ext. STRING II Double Bass 16'
  66. 66,0 66,1 66,2 trans./ext. STRING II Contra Viol 16'
  67. 67,0 67,1 67,2 trans./ext. STRING II Contra Bass 16'
  68. 68,0 68,1 ext. Sub Principal 32'
  69. ext. Double Diapason I 16'
  70. Vorabzug aus Grand Conet XI
  71. Vorabzug aus Schulze Mixture V
  72. trans. GREAT-SOLO Harp 8'
  73. 73,0 73,1 73,2 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Harp 8'
  74. 74,0 74,1 trans. GREAT-SOLO Xylophone 4'
  75. 75,0 75,1 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Xylophone 4'
  76. trans. PERCUSSION Tambours
  77. trans. PERCUSSION Snare Drum E + Snare Drum F + Snare Drum G
  78. Faktisch handelt es sich hierbei um Transmissionen/Extensionen aus dem Pedal-Right-Werk, mit Ausnahme der Octave 4'
  79. 79,0 79,1 trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Principal 16'
  80. trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Tibia Clausa 32'
  81. trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Tibia Major 16'
  82. trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Contra Viol 16'
  83. trans./ext. GREAT Sub Principal 32'
  84. trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Dulzian Diaphone 64'
  85. trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Contra Bombardon 32'
  86. trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Grand Ophicleide 16'
  87. 87,0 87,1 trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Trumpet 16'
  88. trans./ext. STRING I Contra Basso 16'
  89. 89,0 89,1 89,2 89,3 89,4 89,5 ext. Wald Flute 16'
  90. 90,0 90,1 90,2 90,3 ext. Tibia Clausa 16'
  91. 91,0 91,1 91,2 ext. Contra Geigen
  92. ext. Diapason Phonon
  93. 93,0 93,1 ext. Horn Diapason 8'
  94. 94,0 94,1 94,2 94,3 94,4 ext. Gemshorn 8'
  95. 95,0 95,1 95,2 ext. Gemshorn Celeste 8'
  96. ext. Doppel Gedeckt 8'
  97. ext. Viol d'Gamba 8'
  98. ext. Vox celeste 8'
  99. 99,0 99,1 99,2 ext. Gemshorn Terz 62/5'
  100. 100,0 100,1 100,2 ext. Gemshorn Quint 51/3'
  101. 101,0 101,1 ext. Gemshorn Septieme 44/7'
  102. Registerwippe aktiviert aktuell den Gong
  103. 103,0 103,1 ext. Oboe Horn 16'
  104. 104,0 104,1 ext. Krummhorn 16'
  105. 105,0 105,1 ext. Saxophone 16'
  106. 106,0 106,1 ext. English Horn 16'
  107. Fehlerhafte Beschriftung der Registerwippe. Der Name sollte eigentlich lauten: Orchestral Oboe
  108. Ursprünglich war an dieser Stelle ein French Horn 8' (Voice #104), welches später mit der Flute Twelfth 22/3' (Voice #64) aus dem Solo-Werk vertauscht wurde.
  109. 109,0 109,1 ext. French Horn 16'
  110. ext. Vox Baryton 16'
  111. ext. Vox Humana 8'
  112. ext. Double Diapason 16'
  113. ext. Contra Gamba 16'
  114. ext. Double Trumpet 16'
  115. ext. Double Horn 16'
  116. 116,0 116,1 116,2 ext. Gross Gedeckt 16'
  117. 117,0 117,1 117,2 ext. Stopped Diapason 16'
  118. 118,0 118,1 118,2 ext. Cone Gamba 16'
  119. 119,0 119,1 119,2 ext. Gemshorn Celeste I 8'
  120. 120,0 120,1 120,2 120,3 120,4 ext. Gemshorn 8'
  121. ext. Dopple Spitz Flute 8'
  122. 122,0 122,1 ext. Clarabella 8'
  123. 123,0 123,1 123,2 ext. Third 62/5'
  124. 124,0 124,1 ext. Gemshorn Celeste II 8'
  125. 125,0 125,1 125,2 125,3 ext. Fifth 51/3'
  126. 126,0 126,1 ext. Septieme 44/7'
  127. 127,0 127,1 ext. Zauber Flute 4'
  128. 128,0 128,1 ext. Ninth 35/9'
  129. 129,0 129,1 ext. Eleventh 210/11'
  130. 130,0 130,1 ext. Contra Oboe 16'
  131. 131,0 131,1 ext. Bass Clarinet 16'
  132. 132,0 132,1 ext. Bass Vox Humana 16'
  133. 133,0 133,1 ext. Marimba 8'
  134. 134,0 134,1 134,2 134,3 ext. Major Flute 16'
  135. 135,0 135,1 Vorabzug aus Grand Chorus XI
  136. 136,0 136,1 136,2 136,3 136,4 136,5 50" Winddruck
  137. 137,0 137,1 137,2 ext. Trumpet Profunda 16'
  138. 100" Winddruck
  139. 139,0 139,1 139,2 ext. Tuba Magna 16'
  140. Faktisch handelt es sich hier um sämtliche Register der Great-Solo-Werke
  141. trans. GREAT-SOLO Wald Flute 16'
  142. trans. GREAT-SOLO Tibia Clausa 16'
  143. trans. GREAT-SOLO Geigen Principal 16'
  144. 144,0 144,1 144,2 144,3 144,4 144,5 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Wald Flute 16'
  145. 145,0 145,1 145,2 145,3 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Tibia Clausa 16'
  146. trans. GREAT-SOLO Diapason Phonon 8'
  147. trans. GREAT-SOLO Horn Diapason 8'
  148. 148,0 148,1 148,2 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Geigen Principal 16'
  149. trans. GREAT-SOLO Gemshorn 8'
  150. trans. GREAT-SOLO Gemshorn Celeste 8'
  151. trans. GREAT-SOLO Dopple Gedeckt 8'
  152. trans. GREAT-SOLO Viola d'Gamba 8'
  153. trans. GREAT-SOLO Vox Celeste 8'
  154. trans. GREAT-SOLO Gemshorn Terz 62/5'
  155. trans. GREAT-SOLO Gemshorn Quint 51/3'
  156. trans. GREAT-SOLO Septieme 44/7'
  157. trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Diapason Phonon 8'
  158. 158,0 158,1 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Horn Diapason 8'
  159. 159,0 159,1 159,2 159,3 159,4 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Gemshorn 8'
  160. 160,0 160,1 160,2 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Gemshorn Celeste 8'
  161. trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Dopple Gedeckt 8'
  162. trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Viola d'Gamba 8'
  163. trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Viol Celeste 8'
  164. 164,0 164,1 164,2 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Gemshorn Terz 62/5'
  165. 165,0 165,1 165,2 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Gemshorn Quint 51/3'
  166. 166,0 166,1 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Gemshorn Septieme 44/7'
  167. trans. GREAT-SOLO Oboe Horn 16'
  168. trans. GREAT-SOLO Krummhorn 16'
  169. trans. GREAT-SOLO Saxophone 16'
  170. trans. GREAT-SOLO English Horn 16'
  171. trans. GREAT-SOLO French Horn 16'
  172. trans. GREAT-SOLO Vox Baryton 16'
  173. 173,0 173,1 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Oboe Horn 16'
  174. trans. GREAT-SOLO Clarinet 8'
  175. 175,0 175,1 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Krummhorn 16'
  176. trans. GREAT-SOLO Orchestral Saxophone 8'
  177. 177,0 177,1 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Saxophone 16'
  178. 178,0 178,1 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO English Horn 16'
  179. trans. GREAT-SOLO Orchestral Oboe 8'
  180. trans. GREAT-SOLO Flute Twelfth 22/3'
  181. 181,0 181,1 trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO French Horn 16'
  182. trans. GREAT-SOLO Kinura 8'
  183. trans. GREAT-SOLO Vox Humana 8'
  184. trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Vox Baryton 16'
  185. trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Vox Humana 8'
  186. 186,0 186,1 Vorabzug aus Stentor VII
  187. ext. Major Flute 16'
  188. 188,0 188,1 ext. Contra Posaune 16'
  189. 189,0 189,1 189,2 ext. Contra Bombardon 16'
  190. 190,0 190,1 190,2 ext. Tromba Quint 102/3'
  191. 191,0 191,1 191,2 ext. Contra Trombone 16'
  192. ext. Harmonic Tuba 8'
  193. ext. Tromba Tierce 62/5'
  194. 194,0 194,1 194,2 194,3 194,4 194,5 ext. Contra Spire Flute 16'
  195. 195,0 195,1 ext. Contra Violone 16'
  196. 196,0 196,1 ext. Contra Gamba 16'
  197. 197,0 197,1 197,2 ext. Clarabella 8'
  198. 198,0 198,1 ext. Spitz Flute Celeste II 8'
  199. 199,0 199,1 ext. Tuba d'Amour 16'
  200. 200,0 200,1 ext. Chalumeau 16'
  201. 201,0 201,1 ext. Contra Bassoon 16'
  202. 202,0 202,1 ext. Vox Humana 16'


Floating Divisions Pedal[1] Pedal (forts.) Pedal (forts.)
Gallery I

Contra Diaphone 16'

Diaphone 8' [2]

Diapason 8' [3]

Octave 4' [3]

Mixture Mirabilis VII

Trumpet Mirabilis 16' [4]

Tuba Maxima 8' [4]

Trumpet Imperial 8' [5]

Clarion Mirabilis 4' [6]

Clarion Real 4' [5]

Gallery II

Flute Maggiore 16'

Jubal Flute 8'

Harmonic Flute 8'

Melodic Flute 4' [7]

Harmonic Flute 4'

Harmonic Twelfth 22/3'

Harmonic Piccolo 2'

Harmonic Mixture III

Gallery III

Contra Diapason 16'

Diapason I 8'

Diapason II 8'

Octave I 4'

Octave II 4' [8]

Fifteenth 2'

Mixture IV

Grand Piano 16' [9]

Grand Piano 8' [10]

Grand Piano 4' [10]

Gallery IV

Contra Saxophone 16'

Brass Trumpet 8'

Egyptian Horn 8'

Euphone 8'

Major Clarinet 8'

Major Oboe 8'

Musette Mirabilis 8'

Cor D'Orchestre 8'

Saxophone 8' [11]

Octave Saxophone 4' [11]

String I

Contra Basso 16'

Cello 8'

Cello Celeste I 8' [12]

Cello Celeste II 8' [12]

Violins I 8' [12]

Violins II 8' [12]

Violins III 8' [12]

Violins IV 8' [12]

Viol Secundo I 8' [12]

Viol Secundo II 8' [12]

Octave Viola 4' [13]

Viol Secundo 4' [12]

String II

Double Bass 16'

Contra Bass 16'

Contra Viol 16'

Viola Diapason 8'

Viol Cello 8'

Cello Phonon 8'

Cello 8'

Cello Celeste 8' [12]

Viola Phonon 8'

Viola Celeste 8' [12]

Violin Phonon 8'

Violin 8'

Viol Celeste I 8' [12]

Viol Celeste II 8' [12]

Viol Celeste III 8' [12]

Viol Celeste IV 8' [12]

Viol Celeste V 8' [12]

Viol Principal 4'

Violin 4'

Viola 4'

Octave Cello I 4' [14]

Octave Cello II 4' [15]

Octave Violin 4'

Quint Flute 51/3'

Stopped Flute 4' [16]

Flute Twelfth 22/3'

Piccolo 2' [16]

String Mixture V

Tromba D'Amour 8'

String III

Cello Celeste I 8' [12]

Cello Celeste II 8' [12]

Viola Celeste 8' [12]

Violins I 8' [12]

Violins II 8' [12]

Violins III 8' [12]

Violins IV 8' [12]

Viol Secundo 8' [12]

Cor Anglais 8'

Grand Piano 16' [9]

Grand Piano 8' [10]

Grand Piano 4' [10]

Brass Chorus

Trombone 16'

Trombone 8'

Tromba 8'

Tromba Quint 51/3'

Trombone 4'

Tromba Twelfth 22/3'

Trombone 2'

Tierce Mixture III[17]

Pedal Right

Diaphone 64' [18]

Sub Principal 32' [19]

Contra Tibia 32'

Tibia Quint 212/3' [20]

Diaphone Phonon 16' [21]

Diapason 16' [22]

Principal 16'

Diapason 16' [23]

Geigen Principal 16' [24]

Tibia Major 16'

Grand Bourdon 16' [20]

Major Flute 16' [25]

Wald Flute 16' [26]

Tibia Clausa 16' [27]

Viol 16'

Gross Tierce 124/5'

Diaphone Quint 102/3' [28]

Tibia Quint 102/3' [20]

Tibia Quint 102/3' [29]

Principal Quint 102/3' [30]

Minor Quint 102/3' [31]

Septieme 91/7'

Octave Principal 8' [30]

Octave Major 8' [32]

Octave Diapason 8' [33]

Octave Geigen 8' [34]

Gross Gemshorn 8' [35]

Tibia Major 8' [29]

Tibia Clausa 8' [20]

Doppel Gedeckt 8' [36]

Octave Viol 8' [37]

Gross Tierce 62/5' [38]

Tibia Quint 51/3' [29]

Principal Quint 51/3' [30]

Tibia Quint 51/3' [20]

Gross Septime 44/7' [39]

Super Octave 4' [30]

Super Octave 4' [40]

Tibia Fifteenth 4' [29]

Flute Fifteenth 4' [20]

Viol Fifteenth 4' [37]

Tierce 31/5' [38]

Flute Nineteenth 22/3' [20]

Tibia Major Nineteenth 22/3' [29]

Viol Nineteenth 22/3' [37]

Septieme 22/7' [39]

Tibia Twenty-Second 2' [30]

Flageolet 2' [41]

Octave Tierce 13/5' [38]

Tibia Twenty-Sixth 11/3' [29]

Octave Septieme 11/7' [39]

Flute Twenty-Ninth 1' [20]

Mixture XI [42][43]

Dulzian 64' [44]

Contra Dulzquint 422/3' [45]

Contra Bombardon 32' [46]

Contra Dulzian 32' [45]

Dulzian Quint 211/3' [45]

Grand Ophicleide 16' [4][47]

Tuba Magna 16' [48]

Bombardon 16' [49]

Trumpet Profunda 16' [50]

Dulzian 16' [45]

Trumpet 16'

Saxophone 16' [51]

Krummhorn 16' [52]

Oboe Horn 16' [53]

Reed Mixture V [42][54]

English Horn 16' [55]

French Horn 16' [56]

Vox Baryton 16' [57]

Bombard Quint 102/3' [49]

Dulzian Quint 102/3' [45]

Ophicleide 8' [58]

Octave Bombardon 8' [49]

Octave Dulzian 8' [45]

Bugle 8' [59]

Trumpet 8' [60]

Octave Krummhorn 8' [61]

Vox Baryton 8' [62]

Trumpet Quint 51/3' [60]

Bombardon Quint 51/3' [49]

Dulzian Fifteenth 4' [45]

Trumpet Fifteenth 4' [60]

Pedal Second Touch

Dulzian Diaphone 64' [63]

Diaphone 32' [64]

Diaphone 16' [65]

Tibia Major 16' [66]

Contra Viol 16' [67]

Tibia Major 8' [68]

Viol 8' [69]

Tibia 4' [68]

Viola 4' [69]

Dulzian 64' [63]

Contra Bombard 32' [70]

Contra Bombardon 32' [71]

Ophicleide 16' [72]

Posaune 16' [73]

Bombard 16' [74]

Bombardon 16' [75]

Octave Ophicleide 8' [76]

Posaune 8' [77]

Bombardon 8' [75]

Dulzian 8' [78]

Bombard 4' [74]

Dulzian 4' [78]

Chimes [79]

Pedal Left

Diaphone 32' [21]

Diapason 32'

Diaphone 16' [80]

Major Diapason 16'

Diaphone 16'

Diapason 16' [81]

Diapason 16' [82]

Tibia Clausa 16'

Doppel Gedeckt 16' [83]

Stopped Diapason 16' [84]

Bass Viol 16'

Bass Viol 16' [85]

Bass Gamba 16' [86]

Cone Gamba 16' [87]

Quint Diapason 102/3' [81]

Stopped Quint 102/3' [88]

Cone Quint 102/3' [89]

Octave Gemshorn 8' [90]

Ocave Diaphone 8' [80]

Octave Diapason 8' [91]

Octave Phonon 8' [81]

Gross Flute 8' [92]

Flute Clarabella 8' [93]

Cello 8' [94]

Terz 62/5' [95]

Twelfth 51/3' [96]

Octave Septieme 44/7' [97]

Fife 4' [80]

Super Octave 4' [81]

Gemshorn Fifteenth 4' [98]

Flute Fifteenth 4' [92]

Tierce 31/5' [99]

Nineteenth 22/3' [100]

Twenty-First 22/7' [101]

Gemshorn Twenty-Second 2' [98]

Twenty-Second 2' [81]

Fife 2' [92]

Twenty-Ninth 1' [92]

Contra Bombard 32' [21]

Fagotto 32'

Major Posaune 16' [102]

Bombard 16' [103]

Trumpet 16' [104]

Horn 16' [105]

Bass Clarinet 16' [106]

Fagotto 16' [107]

Oboe 16' [108]

Vox Humana 16' [109]

Major Posaune 8' [110][21]

Octave Bombard 8' [103]

Octave Clarinet 8' [111]

Octave Fagotto 8' [107]

Octave Oboe 8' [112]

Horn Twelfth 51/3' [107]

Bombard Fifteenth 4' [103]

Oboe Fifteenth 4' [112]

Horn Fifteenth 4' [107]

Horn Nineteenth 22/3' [107]

Fagotto Twenty-Second 2' [107]

Stentor Sesquialtera VII

Grave Mixture VI [113][114]

Pedal Percussions


Persian Cymbal[116]

Snare Drum Roll[117]

Snare Drum Roll[118]

Snare Drum Strike[118]

Bass Drum Strike FF[119]

Bass Drum Roll FF[120]

Contra Drum Roll FF[121]

Contra Drum Strike FF[121]

Persian Cymbal[122]

Persian Cymbal[123]

Chinese Gong Roll[124]

Chinese Gong Strike[124]


Snare Drum Roll[117]

Snare Drum Roll[118]

Bass Drum Roll[119]

Bass Drum Strike[120]

Bass Drum Roll[120]

Bass Drum Strike[120]

Bass Drum Roll[120]

Bass Drum Strike[120]

Contra Drum Roll FF[121]

Contra Drum Strike FF[121]

Contra Drum Roll MP[121]

Bass Drum Strike[121]

Piano 16'[9]

Piano 8'[10]

Chimes [79]

Pedal Right Gallery

Contra Violone 32'[125]

Diaphone 16'[126]

Flute Maggiore 16'[127]

Flute Bourdon 16'[128]

Spire Flute 16'[129]

Contra Bass 16'[130]

Contra Viol 16'[131]

Double Bass 16'[132]

Contra Viol 16'[133]

Contra Gamba 16'[134]

Flute Quint 102/3'[128]

Cone Flute 8'[135]

Viol 8'[125]

Viol 4'[125]

Trumpet Sonora 16'[136]

Tuba D'Amour 16'[137]

Chalumeau 16'[138]

Contra Bassoon 16'[139]

Vox baryton 16'[140]

Bassoon 8'[141]

Pedal Left Gallery

Grand Diapason 16' [142]

Dulciana 16' [143]

Major Flute 16' [144]

Double Melodia 16' [145]

Melodia Flute 8' [146]

Contra Trombone 32' [147]

Posaune 16' [148]

Bombardon 16' [149]

Trombone 16' [150]

Trombone 16' [151]

Saxophone 16' [152]

Tromba Quint 102/3' [153]

Trombone 8' [147]

Tromba 8' [154]

Tromba Tierce 62/5' [155]

Tromba Quint 51/3' [156]

Tromba Seventeenth 31/5' [157]

  1. Die PEDAL LEFT und RIGHT Teilwerke sind i. d. R. bis c5 ausgebaut, da viele Register auch auf den ersten beiden Manualen spielbar sind
  2. ext. Contra Diaphone 16'
  3. 3,0 3,1 Vorabzug aus Mixture Mirabilis VII
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 100" Winddruck
  5. 5,0 5,1 ext. Trumpet Mirabilis 16'
  6. ext. Tuba Maxima 8'
  7. ext. Flute Maggiore
  8. ext. Contra Diapason 16'
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 trans. PERCUSSION Piano 16'
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 10,3 10,4 trans./ext. PERCUSSION Piano 16'
  11. 11,0 11,1 ext. Contra Saxophone 16'
  12. 12,00 12,01 12,02 12,03 12,04 12,05 12,06 12,07 12,08 12,09 12,10 12,11 12,12 12,13 12,14 12,15 12,16 12,17 12,18 12,19 12,20 12,21 12,22 12,23 2-fach
  13. ext. Contra Basso 16'
  14. ext. Double Bass 16'
  15. ext. Contra Bass 16'
  16. 16,0 16,1 ext. Quint Flute 51/3'
  17. sowohl Labial- als auch Zungenpfeifen
  18. Pfeifenreihe auch Diaphone-Dulzian genannt; die tiefsten 22 Töne sind als Diaphone gebaut, die Restlichen als Dulzian
  19. trans. GREAT Sub Principal 32'
  20. 20,0 20,1 20,2 20,3 20,4 20,5 20,6 20,7 ext. Contra Tibia 32'
  21. 21,0 21,1 21,2 21,3 50" Winddruck
  22. trans. GREAT Double Diapason I 16'
  23. ext. Sub Principal 32'
  24. trans. GREAT-SOLO Geigen Principal 16'
  25. trans. SOLO Major Flute 16'
  26. trans. GREAT-SOLO Wald Flute 16'
  27. trans. GREAT-SOLO Tibia Clausa 16'
  28. ext. Diaphone Phonon 16'
  29. 29,0 29,1 29,2 29,3 29,4 29,5 ext. Tibia Major 16'
  30. 30,0 30,1 30,2 30,3 30,4 ext. Principal 16'
  31. trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Tibia Clausa 16'
  32. trans./ext. GREAT Double Open Diapason I 16'
  33. trans. GREAT-SOLO Horn Diapason 8'
  34. trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Geigen Principal 16'
  35. trans. GREAT-SOLO Gemshorn 8'
  36. trans. GREAT-SOLO Dopple Gedeckt 8'
  37. 37,0 37,1 37,2 ext. Viol 16'
  38. 38,0 38,1 38,2 ext. Gross Tierce 124/5'
  39. 39,0 39,1 39,2 ext. Septieme 91/7'
  40. trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Horn Diapason 8'
  41. trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Wald Flute 16'
  42. 42,0 42,1 aus GREAT-SOLO
  43. 8-12-15-17-19-21-22-24-26-29-33
  44. trans. Diaphone 64' (Register verfügt somit über zwei verschieden Beschriftete Wippen, gemeint ist aber das gleiche Register)
  45. 45,0 45,1 45,2 45,3 45,4 45,5 45,6 ext. Dulzian-Diaphone 64'
  46. 40" Winddruck
  47. Lautestes Orgelregister der Welt!
  48. trans. SOLO Tuba Magna 16'
  49. 49,0 49,1 49,2 49,3 ext. Bombardon 32'
  50. trans. SOLO Trumpet Profunda 16'
  51. trans. GREAT-SOLO Saxophone 16'
  52. trans. GREAT-SOLO Krummhorn 16'
  53. trans. GREAT-SOLO Oboe Horn 16'
  54. 1-5-8-12-15
  55. trans. GREAT-SOLO English Horn 16'
  56. trans. GREAT-SOLO French Horn 16'
  57. trans. GREAT-SOLO Vox Baryton
  58. ext. Grand Ophicleide 16'
  59. trans. SOLO Bugle 8'
  60. 60,0 60,1 60,2 ext. Trumpet 16'
  61. trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Krummhorn 16'
  62. trans./ext. GREAT-SOLO Vox Baryton 16'
  63. 63,0 63,1 trans. PEDAL RIGHT Diaphone-Dulzian 64'
  64. trans. PEDAL LEFT Diaphone 32'
  65. trans. PEDAL LEFT Diaphonic Diapason 16'
  66. trans. PEDAL RIGHT Tibia Major 16'
  67. trans. PEDAL RIGHT Viol 16'
  68. 68,0 68,1 trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Tibia Major 16'
  69. 69,0 69,1 trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Contra Viol 16'
  70. trans. PEDAL LEFT Contra Bombard 32'
  71. trans. PEDAL RIGHT Bombardon 32'
  72. trans. PEDAL RIGHT Grand Ophicleide 16'
  73. trans. PEDAL LEFT Major Posaune 16'
  74. 74,0 74,1 trans./ext. PEDAL LEFT Contra Bombard 32'
  75. 75,0 75,1 trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Contra Bombardon 32'
  76. trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Grand Ophicleide 16'
  77. trans./ext. PEDAL LEFT Major Posaune 16'
  78. 78,0 78,1 trans./ext. PEDAL RIGHT Dulzian Diaphone 64'
  79. 79,0 79,1 trans. GREAT-SOLO Chimes
  80. 80,0 80,1 80,2 ext. Diaphone 32'
  81. 81,0 81,1 81,2 81,3 81,4 ext. Diapason 32'
  82. trans. SWELL Double Diapason 16'
  83. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Gross Dopple Gedeckt 16'
  84. trans. SWELL CHOIR Stopped Diapason 16'
  85. trans. STRING I Contra Basso 16'
  86. trans. SWELL Contra Gamba 16'
  87. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Cone Gamba 16'
  88. ext. SWELL-CHOIR Stopped Diapason 16'
  89. trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Cone Gamba 16'
  90. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Gemshorn 8'
  91. ext. Diaphone 16'
  92. 92,0 92,1 92,2 92,3 ext. Tibia Clausa 16'
  93. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Clarabella 8'
  94. ext. Bass Viol 16'
  95. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Third 62/5'
  96. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Fifth 51/3'
  97. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Seventh 44/7'
  98. 98,0 98,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Gemshorn 8'
  99. trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Third 62/5'
  100. trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Fifth 51/3'
  101. trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Seventh 44/7'
  102. aus unbekannten Gründen nicht bis c5 ausgebaut, auch wenn dies vorgesehen war
  103. 103,0 103,1 103,2 ext. Contra Bombard 32'
  104. trans. SWELL Double Trumpet 16'
  105. trans. SWELL Double Horn 16'
  106. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Bass Clarinet 16'
  107. 107,0 107,1 107,2 107,3 107,4 107,5 ext. Fagotto 32'
  108. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Contra Oboe 16'
  109. trans. SWELL-CHOIR Vox Humana 16'
  110. ext. Major Posaune 16'
  111. trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Bass Clarinet 16'
  112. 112,0 112,1 trans./ext. SWELL-CHOIR Contra Oboe 16'
  113. aus SWELL & SWELL-CHOIR
  114. 1-5-8-12-15-19
  115. 115,0 115,1 trans. PERCUSSION Cymbal
  116. trans. PERCUSSION Persian Cymbal J + Persian Cymbal K
  117. 117,0 117,1 trans. PERCUSSION Snare Drum F + Snare Drum G
  118. 118,0 118,1 118,2 trans. PERCUSSION Snare Drum E
  119. 119,0 119,1 trans. PERCUSSION Bass Drum D
  120. 120,0 120,1 120,2 120,3 120,4 120,5 trans. PERCUSSION Bass Drum C
  121. 121,0 121,1 121,2 121,3 121,4 121,5 trans. PERCUSSION Contra Bass Drum B
  122. trans. PERCUSSION Persian Cymbal K
  123. trans. PERCUSSION Persian Cymbal J
  124. 124,0 124,1 trans. PERCUSSION Chinese Gong I
  125. 125,0 125,1 125,2 trans./ext. ECHO Contra Violone 16'
  126. trans. GALLERY I Diaphone 16'
  127. trans. GALLERY II Flute Maggiore 16'
  128. 128,0 128,1 trans./ext. ECHO Clarabella 8'
  129. trans. ECHO Contra Spire Flute 16'
  130. trans. STRING II Contra Bass 16'
  131. trans. ECHO Contra Violone 16'
  132. trans. STRING II Double Bass 16'
  133. trans. STRING II Contra Viol 16'
  134. trans. ECHO Gamba 16'
  135. trans./ext. ECHO Contra Spire Flute 16'
  136. trans. GALLERY I Trumpet Mirabilis 16'
  137. trans. ECHO Tuba d'Amour 16'
  138. trans. ECHO Chalumeau 16'
  139. trans. ECHO Contra Bassoon 16'
  140. trans. ECHO Vox Humana II 16'
  141. trans./ext. ECHO Contra Bassoon 16'
  142. trans. GALLERY III Contra Diapason 16'
  143. trans. CHOIR Dulciana 16'
  144. trans. FANFARE Major Flute 16'
  145. trans CHOIR Melodia 16'
  146. trans./ext. CHOIR Melodia 16'
  147. 147,0 147,1 trans./ext. FANFARE Contra Trombone 16'
  148. trans. FANFARE Contra Posaune 16'
  149. trans. FANFARE Bombardon 16'
  150. trans. FANFARE Contra Trombone 16'
  151. trans. CHOIR Contra Tromba 16'
  152. trans. GALLERY IV Saxophone 16'
  153. trans. FANFARE Tromba Quint 102/3'
  154. trans./ext. CHOIR Contra Tromba 16'
  155. trans. FANFARE Tromba Tierce 62/5'
  156. trans./ext. FANFARE Tromba Quint 102/3'
  157. trans./ext. FANFARE Tromba Tierce 62/5'

Aufstellung der einzelnen Registerreihen ("Voices")


Right Stage Chamber Left Stage Chamber Right Forward Chamber Left Forward Chamber Right Center Chamber Left Center Chamber
Pedal Right

1 - Tibia Clausa 32'-21'2/3'-16'-102/3'-8'-51/3'-4'-22/3'-1'

2 - Diaphone Phonon 16'-102/3'

3 - Tibia Major 16'-102/3'-8'-51/3'-4'-22/3'-2'-11/3'[1]

4 - Principal 16'-8'-4'-2'[1]

5 - Contra Viol 16'-8'-4'-2'[1]

6 - Gross Tierce 124/5'-62/5'-31/5'-62/5'-13/5'

7 - Septieme 92/7'-44/7'-22/7'-11/7'

8 - Contra Bombardon 32'-16'

9 - Grand Ophicleide 16'-8'

10 - Trumpet 16'-8'-4'

17 - Dulzian Diaphone 64'-422/3'-32'-211/3'-16'-102/3'-8'-4'[2]


21 - Sub Principal 32'-8'-4'[3]-2'[1]

22 - Double Diapason I 16'-8'[4]-4'[1]

23 - Double Diapason II 16'

24 - Double Diapason III 16'

25 - Sub Quint 102/3'[1]

26 - Diapason I 8'[1]

27 - Diapason II 8'[1]

28 - Diapason III 8'[1]

29 - Diapason IV 8'[1]

30 - Diapason V 8'[1]

31 - Diapason VI 8'

32 - Diapason VII 8'[1]

33 - Diapason VIII 8'[1]

34 - Diapason IX 8'

35 - Diapason X 8'

36 - Quint 51/3'

37 - Octave I 4'[1]

38 - Octave II 4'[1]

39 - Octave III 4'

40 - Octave IV 4'

41 - Octave V 4'

42 - Gross Tierce 31/5'

43 - Major Twelfth 22/3'

44 - Fifteenth I 2'[1]

45 - Fifteenth II 2'

46 - Fifteenth III 2'

47 - Rausch Quint II[5]

48 - Rausch Quint II[6]

49 - Grand Cornet XI[7]

50 - Major Sesquialtera V[8]

51 - Schulze V[9]

52 - Fourniture VI[10]

53 - Harmonic Flute 8'

54 - Flute Overte 8'

55 - Harmonic Flute 4'

56 - Trumpet 16'

57 - Harmonic Trumpet 8'

58 - Harmonic Clarion 4'


59 - Major Flute 16'-102/3'-8'-51/3'-4'[1]

60 - Tibia Rex 8'[1]

61 - Hohlflute 8'

62 - Flute Overte 8'

63 - Wald Flute 4'[1]

65 - Harmonic Piccolo 2'

66 - Cello Pomposa 8'[1]

67 - Cello Celeste 8'[1]

68 - Violin 8'

69 - Violin Celeste 8'

70 - Viola Pomposa 4'

71 - Stentor Diapason 8'[1]

72 - Stentor Octave 4'[1]

73 - Tuba magna 16'-8'-51/3'-4'[12]

74 - Trumpet Profunda 16'-102/3'-8'-4'

75 - Tuba Imperial 8'[13]

76 - Trumpet Royal 8'

77 - English Post Horn 8'

78 - Bugle 8'[12][14]

104 - French Horn 8'

79 - Grand Chorus IX[15]

80 - Carillon IV[16][17][18][19]


Organ-Tone Division[11]

81 - Wald Flute 16'-102/3'-8'-51/3'-4'-22/3'-2'

82 - Geigen Principal 16'-8'-4'-2'

83 - Tibia Clausa 16'-102/3'-8'-4'-22/3'

84 - Diapason Phonon 8'-4'

85 - Horn Diapason 8'-4'-2'

86 - Dopple Gedeckt 8'-4'[21][22]

87 - Gemshorn 8'-4'-2'-1'-1/2'-1/4'

88 - Gemshorn Celeste 8'-4'-31/5'-13/5'

89 - Viola d'Gamba 8'-4'

90 - Viol Celeste 8'-4'

91 - Gemshorn Terz 62/5'-31/5'-13/5'-4/5'[23]

92 - Gemshorn Quint 51/3'-22/3'-11/3'-2/3'

93 - Gemshorn Septieme 44/7'-22/7'-11/7'[23]

94 - Xylophone 4'-2'[24]

Orchestral Division[11]

95 - Oboe Horn 16'-8'-4'

96 - Saxophone 16'-8'-4'

97 - English Horn 16'-8'-4'

98 - French Horn 16'-8'-4'

99 - Vox Baryton 16'-8'

100 - Krummhorn 16'-8'-4'

101 - Clarinet 8'

102 - Orchestral Saxophone 8'

103 - Orchestral Oboe 8'

105 - Vox humana 8'-4'

106 - Kinura 8'

64 - Flute Twelfth 22/3'[25]

107 - Harp 8'-4'[24]

108 - Chimes[24]

Pedal Left

11 - Contra Diaphone 32'-16'-8'-4'

12 - Contra Diapason 32'-16'-102/3'-8'-4'-2'[1][26]

13 - Diaphonic Diapason 16'-8'

14 - Bass Viol 16'-8'[1]

15 - Tibia Clausa 16'-8'-4'-2'-1'[1]

16 - Stentor Sesquialtera VII[27]

18 - Contra Bombard 32'-16'-8'-4'

19 - Contra Fagotto 32'-16'-8'-51/3'-4'-22/3'-2'

20 - Major Posaune 16'-8'

320 - Major Diapason 16'


117 - Double Diapason 16'-4'[1]

118 - Diapason I 8'

119 - Diapason II 8'

120 - Waldhorn 8'

121 - Octave 4'

122 - Fifteenth 2'

123 - Fourniture V[28]

124 - Tibia Plena 8'

125 - Hohl Flute 8'

126 - Gross Gedackt 8'

127 - Harmonic Flute 8'

312 - Harmonic Flute Celeste 8'

128 - Ocarina 4'[1]

129 - Traverse Flute 4'

313 - Silver Flute 4'

130 - Orchestral Piccolo 2'

131 - Contra Gamba 16'-4'

132 - Violin 8'

133 - Violin Celeste I 8'[29]

134 - Violin Celeste II 8'[29]

135 - Gamba 8'

136 - Gamba Celeste 8'

137 - Gambette 4'

138 - Double Trumpet 16'-4'

139 - Harmonic Trumpet 8'

140 - Field Trumpet 8'

141 - Trumpet Clarion 4'

142 - Double Horn 16'-4'

143 - Posaune 8'

144 - Cornopean 8'

145 - Flugel Horn 8'

314 - Muted Trumpet 8'

315 - Krummhorn 8'

316 - Vox Humana 8'

146 - Plein Jeu VII[30]

317 - Cymbal VIII[31]


147 - Gross Dopple Gedackt 16'-8'-4'-2'[22]

148 - Cone Gamba 16'-8'-51/3'-4'

311 - Stopped Diapason 16'-8'-4'-22/3'

149 - Clarabella 8'-4'-22/3'

150 - Dopple Spitz Flute 8'-4'[22]

151 - Zauber Flute 4'-2'-1'

152 - Gemshorn 8'-4'-2'-1'-1/2'-1/4'

153 - Gemshorn Celeste I 8'-51/3'-22/3'-11/3'

154 - Gemshorn Celeste II 8'-31/5'-13/5'

155 - Third 61/5'-31/5'-13/5'-4/5'

156 - Fifth 51/3'-22/3'-11/3'-2/3'-1/3'

157 - Seventh 44/7'-22/7'-11/7'

158 - Ninth 35/9'-17/9'-8/9'

159 - Eleventh 210/11'-15/11'-8/11'

160 - Contra Oboe 16'-8'-4'

161 - Bass Clarinet 16'-8'-4'

162 - Vox Humana 16'-8'-4'

163 - Marimba 8'-4'

164 - Glockenspiel 4'-2'

Unenclosed Choir

165 - Quintaton 16'

166 - Diapason 8'[1]

167 - Holz Flute 8'

168 - Octave 4'[1]

169 - Fifteenth 2'

170 - Rausch Quint IV[32]

String I

254 - Contra Basso 16'-8'[33]-4'[1]

255 - Cello 8'[1]

256 - Cello Celeste I 8'[29][1]

257 - Cello Celeste II 8'[29]

258 - Violins I 8'[29]

259 - Violins II 8'[29]

260 - Violins III 8'[29]

261 - Violins IV 8'[29]

262 - Violins Secundo I 8'[29]

263 - Violins Secundo II 8'[29]

264 - Violins Secundo 4'[29]

Brass Chorus[11]

109 - Trombone 16'

110 - Trombone I 8'

111 - Trombone II 8'

112 - Tromba Quint 51/3'

113 - Trombone 4'

114 - Trombone Twelfth 22/3'

115 - Trombone 2'[34]

116 - Tierce Mixture III[35][36]

String II

265 - Double Bass 16'-8'[37]-4'

266 - Contra Bass 16'-8'[37]-4'

267 - Contra Viol 16'-8'[37]-4'

268 - Viola Diapason 8'

269 - Violin Cello 8'

270 - Cello Phonon 8'

271 - Cello 8'

272 - Cello Celeste 8'[29]

273 - Viola Phonon 8'

274 - Viola Celeste 8'[29]

275 - Violin Phonon 8'

276 - Violin 8'

277 - Viol Celeste I 8'[29]

278 - Viol Celeste II 8'[29]

279 - Viol Celeste III 8'[29]

280 - Viol Celeste IV 8'[29]

281 - Viol Celeste V 8'[29]

282 - Violin 4'[29]

283 - Violas 4'[29]

284 - Viol Principal 4'

285 - String Mixture V[38]

286 - Tromba d'Amour 8'

287 - Quint Flute 51/3'-4'-2'

288 - Flute Twelfth 22/3'


171 - Dulciana 16'-8-51/3'

172 - Diapason I 8'

173 - Diapason II 8'

174 - Dulciana Celeste 8'

175 - Dolce 4'-22/3'-2'11/3'-1'[39]

176 - Melodia 16'-8'-22/3'-2'

177 - Philomela 8'

178 - Concert Flute 8'

179 - Unda Maris 8'

308 - Nachthorn 8'

180 - Spindle Flute 4'[1]

181 - Flute Overte 4'

182 - Flageolet 2'

183 - Flute Mixture III[40]

184 - Gemshorn 8'

185 - Gemshorn Celeste 8'

186 - Viola Pomposa 8'

187 - Viola Celeste 8'

310 - Voix Celeste II 8'

309 - Fugara 4'

188 - Contra Tromba 16'-8'[41]'-4'

189 - Tromba Real 8'

190 - Brass Cornet 8'

191 - French Horn 8'

192 - Clarinet 8'

193 - Basset Horn 8'

194 - Cor anglais 8'[42]

195 - Kinura 8'

196 - Acuta VI [43]

Gallery I

233 - Diaphone 16'-8'

318 - Mixture Mirabilis VII[44]

234 - Tuba Maxima 8'-4'[13]

235 - Trumpet Mirabilis 16'-8'-4'[13]

Gallery II[11]

242 - Flauto Maggiore 16'-4'[1]

243 - Jubal Flute 8'-4'[45]'

244 - Harmonic Flute 8'[1]

245 - Harmonic Flute 4'[1]

246 - Harmonic Twelfth 22/3'

247 - Harmonic Piccolo 2'

248 - Harmonic Mixture III[46]

Gallery III

236 - Contra Diapason 16'-4'[1]

237 - Diapason I 8'[1]

238 - Diapason II 8'[1]

239 - Octave 4'[1]

240 - Fifteenth 2'[1]

241 - Mixture IV[47]

Gallery IV[11]

249 - Saxophone 16'-8'-4'

250 - Major Oboe 8'

251 - Musette Mirabilis 8'

252 - Cor d'Orchestre 8'

253 - Major Clarinet 8'

300 - Brass Trumpet 8'

301 - Euphone 8'

302 - Egyptian Horn 8'

  1. 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 1,04 1,05 1,06 1,07 1,08 1,09 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 1,14 1,15 1,16 1,17 1,18 1,19 1,20 1,21 1,22 1,23 1,24 1,25 1,26 1,27 1,28 1,29 1,30 1,31 1,32 1,33 1,34 1,35 1,36 1,37 1,38 1,39 1,40 1,41 Doppelter Pfeifenkern
  2. Die Bauart dieses Registers ist insofern besonders, dass es sowohl ein Zugenregister und ein Diaphone-Register vereint. Beide Bauformen sind in den gleichen Stiefeln verbaut (vgl. S. 171 des Buchs von S. D. Smith)
  3. Grand Great
  4. Pedal
  5. 5-8
  6. 12-15
  7. 1-5-8-10-12-14-15-17-19-22
  8. 10-15-17-19-22
  9. 12-15-19-22-26
  10. 17-22-26-29-33-36
  11. 11,0 11,1 11,2 11,3 11,4 11,5 11,6 11,7 11,8 Schwellbar
  12. 12,0 12,1 50" Winddruck
  13. 13,0 13,1 13,2 100" Winddruck
  14. Messing
  15. 1-5-8-12-15-19-22-26-29
  16. 17-19-21-24
  17. tatsächlich war folgender Aufbau vorgesehen: 17-19-21-22
  18. Die Septime 11/7 war längere Zeit auf 1' gestimmt
  19. repetierend
  20. jedes der beiden Unter-Teilwerke befindet sich in einem eigenen Schwellkasten
  21. offen!
  22. 22,0 22,1 22,2 doppelt labiiert
  23. 23,0 23,1 Ursprünglich waren diese Pfeifen vorgesehen für die Spitz Flute Celeste II 8' im Echo-Werk
  24. 24,0 24,1 24,2 nicht schwellbar
  25. Ursprünglich war an dieser Stelle ein French Horn 8' (Voice #104), welches später mit der Flute Twelfth 22/3' (Voice #64) aus dem Solo-Werk vertauscht wurde.
  26. Die größte Pfeife dieses Registers wiegt etwa 997kg!
  27. 8-12-15-17-19-21-22
  28. 12-15-19-22-26
  29. 29,00 29,01 29,02 29,03 29,04 29,05 29,06 29,07 29,08 29,09 29,10 29,11 29,12 29,13 29,14 29,15 29,16 29,17 29,18 29,19 2fach
  30. 15-19-22-26-29-33-36
  31. 12-15-17-19-21-22-23-26
  32. 12-15-19-22
  33. Great Second Touch
  34. Labialpfeifen. Die ursprünglichen Zungenpfeifen wurden in die Tierce Mixture III integriert
  35. 10-17-22
  36. Beinhaltet Zungenpfeifen
  37. 37,0 37,1 37,2 Great & Choir Second Touch
  38. 10-15-17-19-22
  39. Bezeichnet als das leiseste Register der Orgel
  40. 15-17-19
  41. Pedal Left Gallery
  42. Durchschlagend!
  43. 19-22-24-26-29-31
  44. 1-5-8-12-15-19-22
  45. mit Melodiekoppel
  46. 17-19-22
  47. 12-15-19-22


Right Ceiling Chamber Left Ceiling Chamber Percussions[1]

298 - Violone 32'[3]-16'-8'-4'[4]

213 - Gamba 16'-8'-4'

214 - Spire Flute 16'-8'-4'-22/3'-2'-11/3'-1'

215 - Diapason 8'[4]

216 - Spitz Flute 8'

217 - Flute Celeste I 8'

218 - Flute Celeste II 8'-31/5'-13/5'[5][6]

219 - Waldhorn 8'[7]

220 - Clarabella 16'[3]-102/3'[3]-8'-4'-22/3'-2'

221 - Tibia Mollis 8'

222 - Flute Sylvestre 8'

223 - Flute Celeste 8'

319 - Violone Celeste 8'[4]

224 - Rohr Flute 4'

225 - Mixture Aetheria VI[8]

226 - Bassoon 16'-8'-4'[9][10][11]

227 - Clarinet 16'-8'-4'

228 - Trumpet Minor 8'

303 - Vox Humana I 8'

229 - Cor d'Amour 8'

230 - Vox Humana II 16'-8'-4'

231 - Tuba d'Amour 16'[12][11]

232 - Chimes


197 - Major Flute 16'-4'[4]

198 - Stentor Flute 8'[4][14]

199 - Stentorphone 8'[4]

200 - Pileta Magna 8'

201 - Flute Octaviante 4'[4]

202 - Recorder Twelfth 22/3'

203 - Fife Fifteenth 2'[4]

204 - Cymbal V[15]

304 - Gamba Tuba 8'

305 - Gamba Tuba Celeste 8'

306 - Gamba Clarion 4'

299 - Contra Trombone 32'[16]-16'-8'-51/3'-4'

205 - Contra Posaune 16'-8'-4'[17]

206 - Bombardon 16'-8'-4'-2'

207 - Harmonic Tuba 8'-4'[17]

208 - Ophicleide 8'[17]

209 - Tromba Quint 102/3'-8'-51/3'-22/3'

210 - Tromba Tierce 62/5'-31/5'

211 - Major Clarion 4'[17][18]

212 - Stentor Mixture VI[19][4]

String III[2][20][21]

289 - Cello Celeste I 8'[22]

290 - Cello Celeste II 8'[22]

291 - Cello Celeste III 8'[22]

292 - Viol Celeste I 8'[22]

293 - Viol Celeste II 8'[22]

294 - Viol Celeste III 8'[22]

295 - Viol Celeste IV 8'[22]

296 - Viol Celeste V 8'[22]

297 - Cor Anglais 8'

A. - Grand Piano 16'-8'-4'[23]

B. - Contra Bass Drum

C. - Bass Drum

D. - Bass Drum

E. - Snare Drum

F. - Snare Drum

G. - Snare Drum

H. - Cymbal

I. - Chinese Gong

J. - Persian Cymbal

K. - Persian Cymbal

L. - Tambours

M. - Castanets

N. - Triangle

O. - Wood Block

P. - Tom Tom

  1. Alle Percussions bis auf das Grand Piano sind in der Right Stage Chamber untergebracht
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Schwellbar
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Pedal Right Gallery
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,8 Doppelter Pfeifenkern
  5. Die ursprünglichen Pfeifen wurden in das Great-Solo-Werk verlegt und sind dort als "Gemshorn Terz" und "Gemshorn Septieme" zu finden
  6. Die Windlade dieser Pfeifenreihe wurde nie angeschlossen!
  7. Labial!
  8. 15-17-19-22-26-29
  9. durchschlagend
  10. die Pfeifen sind aus Pappmaché!
  11. 11,0 11,1 gebaut von Welte
  12. Holzbecher
  13. dieses Werk war usrpünglich nicht schwellbar vorgesehen
  14. Bezeichnet als die kraftvollste Flöte der Orgel
  15. 19-22-26-29-33
  16. Pedal Left Gallery
  17. 17,0 17,1 17,2 17,3 50" Winddruck
  18. teilweise Horizontal in Richtung der Schallöffnung
  19. 1-5-8-12-15-19-22
  20. im Schwellkasten von Fanfare
  21. Ursprünglich hatte dieses Werk eine eigene Schwelljalousie
  22. 22,0 22,1 22,2 22,3 22,4 22,5 22,6 22,7 2-fach
  23. Konzertflügel der Marke Chickering & Sons


Literatur: A Pictorial Essay about the World's Largest Pipe Organ, Stephen D. Smith, mit Bildern von Fred Hess; ISBN 978-0970849410

Under the sasafras tree: Atlantic City Municipal Organ - World's Greatest - Midmer-Losh, Inc., 1930

Atlantic City's Musical Masterpiece - The Story of the World's Largest Pipe Organ - told by Stephen D. Smith, Stephen D. Smith, 2002, 523 Seiten, ISBN 978-0970849441 (online verfügbar, siehe Web-Link unten)

Discographie: The Big Screen on the Boardwalk, Sammlung verschiendenster Aufnahmen an beiden Orgeln der Boardwalk Hall, CD, 2021, HORC

Deck the Hall, Weihnachtslieder gespielt auf beiden Orgeln der Boardwalk Hall, CD, 2021, HORC

Weblinks: Website des HORC

Disposition am Spieltisch auf der Website von ACCHOS

Boardwalkpipes.com (Webversion des Buches von Stephen D. Smith; Memento)

Vorstellung der Orgel von Stephen Ball im Jahr 2017, wobei ein Großteil noch unspielbar war:

Youtube-Playliste mit (hauptsächlich technischen) Videos der Orgel