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Now, after more than 13 years as an organist of the church, and in connection with the 75 years' jubilee of the organ, the idea came to me to write a book, telling and documenting the story of this organ.
This story has three leading characters, visionary and strong-willed men – the organbuilders Poul-Gerhard Andersen and and Sybrand Zachariassen, and Finn Viderø, the organist. Together they created the Jægersborg organ in years of great transformations within art, architecture, churchmusic, building and organplaying.
The story begins with the evolution after the First World War, leading to the Organ Reform Movement. Next comes the story of building the Jægersborg organ, unfolded in private letters of the organbuilders from 1942–44.
[http://orgbase.nl/scripts/ogb.exe?database=ob2&%250=2004925&LGE=EN&LIJST=lang Eintrag auf orgbase.nl]
Kirchengeschichte in der Festschrift anlässlich des 75jährigen Kirchenjubiläums 2016, : [https://www.lokalhistoriegentofte.dk/?download=Jaegersborg%20Kirke.pdf (PDF; 29 MB)]
[https://www.hovedstadshistorie.dk/gentofte/soendersoevej/jaegersborg-kirke/ Kirchenbeschreibung auf hovedstadshistorie.dk]
Zeitungsartikel zur Buchveröffentlichung: [https://denkorteavis.dk/2019/308369 „I Jægersborg står der et orgel“] ([https://denkorteavis-dk.translate.goog/2019/308369/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=de&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp Google-übersetzt]) – [https://www.helsingørstift.dk/nyheder/orglet-med-den-staerke-personlighed Orglet med den stærke personlighed] ([https://www-xn----helsingrstift--hnb-dk.translate.goog/nyheder/orglet-med-den-staerke-personlighed?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=de&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp Google-übersetzt])

